Monday, December 1, 2008


Iam mad right now why did my dad have to be a alcoholic why did my mom have to gamble and never be home why wasent my mom a mom i want a mom to i feel little i want a mmom to love me to hug me to hold me to tell me everything is going to be ok why did i have to grow up so fast why did could i not be a child or a teen why couldent i have someone to look after me and love me when i needed it



mile191 said...

oh honey. i am so sorry. it is never fair to have no one in your life, or to have a million people who could love you, but not a mom, or a dad. when they don't give you what you need as a child, it sure does mess you up.

you know, i don't know how to fix it. and i like to fix things. but i can tell you that you have such a nurturing instinct. someday you will have little people that you have to love and nurture and you will fulfill the needs then. sometimes the aching is soooooooooooo bad. i am sorry you are hurting. please do HURT yourself any more. write, do art, and know that i care, i am here. you need a safe hug, i am here, okay. i am sorry i wasn't for a bit. i have not been able to read, or write. just hurting too. but i thought of you alot, and prayed alot. please let yourself cry, and vent, whatever, but do not hurt yourself, your mom and dad did that enough. take a walk, see the beauty of gods love for us, the sunsets are my favorite, and then do some art for us out here, okay. ♥

the captcha word verification is

achine: you aching arent you. God Knows. these signs are all around us. you are not alone, honey. please keep writing.

in time out said...

amy, you okay?

Shauna said...

I want you to know you are l♥ved very much! And here is a BIG ♥ Hug with l♥ts of l♥ve just for you! I am here if you need someone to talk with feel free to e-mail me anytime at

Unknown said...

You know, the message the 12 Step Paradigm tells us that we are all just powerless over our addictions, meaningless specks of offal in an endless ocean of space and matter where hydrogen atoms and bacteria of unexplained origin can turn into god as you understand him!!

Oooo! It’s so exciting and uplifting to be regularly assured by Steppers in all their ineffable knowledge and function is just an accumulation of 1st Century Christianity, Buchmanism, Satanism & Nihilism.

Oooo! It’s heart-warming, I’ll tell ya. We owe these "messengers" so terribly much that it is difficult to put into words... We can talk to dead people & consult spiritists.

9 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.

10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,

11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.

12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.

13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God [Deuteronomy 18: 9-13]

Wilson was a “detestable necromancer” who talked to dead people & consulted spiritists.

He was “an angel of light”and if you Steppers want what he had, keep going to 12 Step meetings - and end up as emotionally shutdown,shape-shifting reptiles.

Unknown said...

"Hey Bob"

Hey, hey BOB, my "higher power", will always do
I've waited so long for BOOZE to be through
BOB, I can't wait to meet you
My love, my love

Hey BILL, I've had a BRAINSTORM too
Hey, hey, hey BILL, I want to meet you too
If your PROGRAM is true, if you love AA, BILL!
The BIG BOOK will always be real
My love, my love

AA means planning a life for two
Being together the whole day through
True SOBRIETY means waiting and hoping that soon
My love, my love.